The system works by mapping or associating the definition and other information with the actual word. 这种系统将定义和其他信息与实际的单词关联(映射)起来。
Then, the actual spell checking starts by moving from word to word in the paragraph, ignoring words that are numbers and comparing the word to the dictionary. 然后,实际的拼写检查首先在段落中逐个单词地进行,忽略数字,将单词与字典对比。
Note that the actual Technorati API function is the word that follows the final slash ( search). 注意,实际的TechnoratiAPI函数是最后一个斜杠之后的单词(search)。
The data is the actual thing being stored, such as a PDF file, Word document, a video file, etc. 数据是要实际存储的东西,比如PDF文件、Word文档、视频文件等。
The actual text content of a Word document is stored as an XML file. Word文档的实际文本内容以XML文件的形式存储。
If one understands the actual meaning of the word responsible and what goes on in the world today, one sees that responsibility has become irresponsible. 如果你了解责任这个词的真正含义,以及现在世界上正发生着什么,你就会看到,责任已经变成了不负责任。
Based on requirements of LED screen system and actual demands on projects, the software-model includes four sections: editing function model, picking-up word model, adding additional effect and foreseeing model, serial communication model. 软件控制设计方面,根据LED图文显示屏系统的具体要求,按照工程实际需要,具体设计了四个模块:编辑功能模块,字模提取模块,效果添加及预览模块,通讯模块。
In actual applications, imprecision in controller implementation, caused by A/ D, D/ A transformation, finite word length and errors, is unavoidable. 在控制器的实现过程中,由于A/D、D/A转换,有限字长限制以及舍入误差等因素的影响,使得控制器自身具有不确定性。
While affirming fully market economy, actual some people for one's own interests often break one's word, swindle, and that fake and forged phenomenon is a most obvious one ordinary consumer run into. 在充分肯定市场经济的同时,现实生活中一些人为了自己的利益不守信用、坑蒙拐骗的案例不绝与耳,假冒伪劣现象就是一个最明显的也是普通消费者经常遇到的情况。
The use of violence and death as a metaphor by avant-garde writers, in actual fact, is to redress the overuse and misuse of humanism in literary works in the new era since 1978, and to advocate humanism in the true sense of the word. 而暴力与死亡作为先锋作家借助文本寻找力量的隐喻,实是对新时期文学中人道主义精神过于泛滥和矫情的正本清源,也是对真正人文关怀的重新提倡。
More and more external words entered to the modern Chinese vocabulary, the letter words is a dispute quite major part, already proved in Chinese actual service condition, like CD, MTV, the B high grade word truly had already become Chinese words and expressions. 越来越多的外来词进入现代汉语词汇,字母词的归属问题是争议比较大的部分。在汉语中的实际使用情况已经证明,像CD、MTV、B超等词确实已经成为汉语中的词语。
Whereas in actual language expressions, especially in literature works, some classifiers can unconventionally collocate with other words, or some words belonging to other word classes can be used as classifiers. 但在实际语言尤其是文学作品中,量词搭配其它意义的词屡见不鲜,其它词类也常常作为量词使用。
This paper integrate current home and abroad researches about primary classification of mathematical representations and actual situations of middle school junior students, classify mathematic representations into: word representation, symbol representation, figure representation and table representation. 本文综合了目前国内外对于数学表征的主要分类以及在初中低年级学生的实际情况,将数学表征方式分为:文字表征、符号表征、图形表征和表格表征。